Plan for getting back to full strength pitching:

Today 9/22/17:

Continue exercises:

Wall Squats

Shoulder blade Pull Down exercise

pitching motion coordination training exercise

all stretches if you can

Green Theraband exercises



hold exercises:

cross body and row theraband exercises (trying to consolidate your program to make sure you can get everything in)


Additional exercises:

standing-on-one-leg exercise, no hands, 30 sec to 1 min on both sides


Throwing Program:

use CALENDAR below at bottom of page. handout given as well.


very important to stick to your program!!! lets get you back to baseball!!! 


30 sec to 1 min no hands, switch and do the other leg, repeat 2 times, 2-3/day

30 sec to 1 min no hands, switch and do the other leg, repeat 2 times, 2-3/day

Keep feet out to take stress off knees from going to far out. Perform 10 reps with good form x2-3/day.

Keep feet out to take stress off knees from going to far out. Perform 10 reps with good form x2-3/day.

Core exercise with both knees up. Make sure core is activated before knees come up. 10 reps 2-3/day.

Core exercise with both knees up. Make sure core is activated before knees come up. 10 reps 2-3/day.


Core exercise progression from Marching with both knees up. Make sure core is activated before knees come up. 10 reps 2-3/day.

Progress to leg out if gets easy.

(Click the picture to view and slide it over)

Be sure to just contract the shoulder blades together. 15-20 repsx3/day

Be sure to just contract the shoulder blades together. 

15-20 reps


Pull down shoulder blade towards you opposite back pocket.Hold for a few seconds and relax. Repeat 15-20 Reps x3/day

Pull down shoulder blade towards you opposite back pocket.

Hold for a few seconds and relax.


Repeat 15-20 Reps x3/day

Hold for 20 min x3/day or total of 60 min per day

Hold for 20 min x3/day or total of 60 min per day

Place "rolled of towel" like above. Start a little higher, let back stretch like above for few minutes, then place "roll" one segement down towards your tail-bone. Do at 4 or 5 levels, each for a few minutes. 5-10/day if able.

Place "rolled of towel" like above. Start a little higher, let back stretch like above for few minutes, then place "roll" one segement down towards your tail-bone. Do at 4 or 5 levels, each for a few minutes. 5-10/day if able.

Hold for few minutes  x5-10/day, be sure to "set" sholder blade.

Hold for few minutes  x5-10/day, be sure to "set" sholder blade.

Be sure to "set" shoulder blade first before outward rotational exercise begins. Put in Theraband in a shut door, keep elbow in, "set" shoulder blade, and perform outward rotation. 15-20 reps x3/day. "Good Form!"

Be sure to "set" shoulder blade first before outward rotational exercise begins. Put in Theraband in a shut door, keep elbow in, "set" shoulder blade, and perform outward rotation. 15-20 reps x3/day. "Good Form!"

Same as above, now just inward instead. "Set" shoulder blade again, the inward rotation. 15-20 reps x3/day.

Same as above, now just inward instead. "Set" shoulder blade again, the inward rotation. 15-20 reps x3/day.

Coordination Pitching Exercise (didn't have a good pic for this one). 30-40 reps x3/daySuggested to just do the side motion and to not point two towards the "plate" for now.

Coordination Pitching Exercise (didn't have a good pic for this one). 30-40 reps x3/day

Suggested to just do the side motion and to not point two towards the "plate" for now.

Groin Strech 1 min hold, 10 times per day

Groin Strech 1 min hold, 10 times per day

Trap Stretch 1 min hold 10 times per day, no "pain pain", just a "nice discomfort"

Trap Stretch 1 min hold 10 times per day, no "pain pain", just a "nice discomfort"